In essentials,
In non-essentials,
In all things,
I have come to believe that an anti-homosexuality reading of the Bible is as poisonous to church and society in our day as a proslavery reading of the Bible was long ago.
Can We Learn Something Helpful from a Painful 19th Century Biblical Debate?
by the Rev. Hampton Morgan
We remained open to the leading of the spirit, and we were often surprised by the results.
A Discernment Process on a Congregation’s Marriage Policy
by the Rev. Ginny Tobiassen
We are at our Christlike best when we see all other humans as children of God.
The Church, Stigma, and Unintentional Harm
by Robert Rominger, PhD
Practically every church had at least one person who people suspected might be “queer,” but mostly we all pretended not to notice.
Learning Curve: My Journey of Understanding LGBTQ+ Issues
by the Rev John Jackman
In an “either-or” era, Moravians have been a “both-and” people.
Vital and Viable - An address to the Northern Province Synod
by the Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon
We must distinguish between Scripture and our own interpretation of Scripture!
Moravians, the Bible, and Cultural Differences
by the Rev Dr. Revocatus Meza