Northern Province: Recognition of Homosexual Members

RE: Recognition of Homosexual Members of the Moravian Church Northern Province

  • Whereas, Scripture affirms the inclusion of all persons in the community of faith; including those once believed to be sexual outcasts, the unclean, and others as set forth in Isaiah 56:1-8; and
  • Whereas, Scripture affirms that all who hold the Sabbath and choose what is pleasing to God will be given within the household of faith; a name better than that of sons and daughters, and never be cut off from God as set forth in Isaiah 56:1-8; and
  • Whereas, God’s house may truly be a house of prayer for all people; and
  • Whereas, the Holy Scripture illuminates the heart and guides the soul; providing in both Old Testament and New Testament examples of God’s acceptance of the outcast and the inclusiveness of God’s outreach, i.e., Ruth the proscribed Moabite – Deut. 23:3 – an ancestor of David; the inclusion of proscribed eunuchs – Lev. 21:18-20, Acts 8; Jesus’ inclusion of tax collectors, lepers, foreigners, harlots, sinners, the Samaritan woman in John 4: 7-15; and
  • Whereas, the spiritual journey of homosexual Christians is a valid journey of faith, and the same journey of walking with the Lord as is the faith journey of all baptized believers; therefore be it

RESOLVED: The 2002 Synod of the Northern Province shall recognize that persons who are homosexual can be members of our church because they are children of God and seek to know God’s grace which is freely given to all people who have faith in God; and be it further
RESOLVED: Homosexual individuals shall be supported and affirmed by being allowed to celebrate their lives as individuals and/or couples completely within the bounds of the church and under the grace which our Creator imparts to all persons; and be it further
RESOLVED: The church shall continue to enter into dialogue in a Christian manner with homosexual persons in order to understand their lives and their spiritual walk.
R&E 2002, p.13-14, R.5, 6, 10

  • Whereas, after prayerful consideration and discussion of the issue concerning homosexuality and the church; and
  • Whereas, in light of the resolutions passed in the 1974 and 1994 Provincial Synods concerning homosexuality, there is a continuing “need in our congregations for a safe, open, loving, and redemptive environment in which all people might enter into dialogue about homosexuality;” and
  • Whereas, families and individuals frequently need help and support as they deal with the sexual orientation of loved ones and societal rejection; and
  • Whereas, there continues to be a need for the development and distribution of balanced educational materials to facilitate a greater understanding of the issue; therefore be it

RESOLVED: The 1998 Provincial Synod of the Northern Province shall reaffirm the “Eleventh and Final Report of the Committee on Educational Ministries and Congregational Nurture of the 1994 Provincial Synod of the Northern Province, Re: Homosexuality and Reconciliation”.
R & E 1998, p. 47-48, R. 10

  • Whereas, throughout its history the Moravian Church has displayed courage to deal with difficult and potentially divisive issues regarding faith and practice (e.g. Pacifism during the Revolutionary War and the Ordination of Women), and
  • Whereas, the struggle to find common ground on the issue of homosexuality continues to challenge the courage and faithfulness of the Moravian Church, and
  • Whereas, the Moravian Church has historically found that concerted prayer is of great value in helping to resolve seemingly intractable problems, therefore be it

RESOLVED: All segments of the Moravian Church (provincial, district, regional, congregational, individual) be encouraged to continue in prayer as individuals and as groups for openness to the leading of the Holy Spirit with regard to our understanding of the issue of homosexuality.

  • Whereas, the issue of homosexuality is increasingly before many Christian denominations, and
  • Whereas, there is a need to acknowledge discomfort, anxiety, fear, and lack of understanding concerning homosexuality, and
  • Whereas, such acknowledgment is a part of the Christian process of reconciliation, and
  • Whereas, the 1974 Northern Provincial Synod of the Moravian Church affirmed the interest of the Moravian Church in accepting and ministering to homosexual persons, therefore be it

RESOLVED: The 1994 Northern Provincial Synod reaffirms the Homosexuality Resolution of the 1974 Resolutions of the Moravian Church Northern Province on Social Issues, pp. 24-25,
“RESOLVED: that the Moravian Church reaffirm its open welcome to all people by specifically recognizing that the homosexual is also under God’s care, and be it further
“RESOLVED: that Moravian congregations will extend an invitation to all persons to join us in a common search for wholeness before God and persons, and be it further
“RESOLVED: that as Christians, recognizing our common sinfulness and the miracle of God’s grace, accepting God’s pardon, and together striving to help free each other from bonds of fear, despair, and meaninglessness, fitting us for lives of commitment, responsibility, witness, service, and celebration in God’s Kingdom, we will share in this venture as children of God and brothers and sisters in Christ toward wholeness.”
Whereas, the Church is called to minister where there is societal rejection, and
Whereas, families frequently experience difficulties in accepting homosexuality of a member, in some cases even disowning that family member, and
Whereas, families and individuals frequently need help and support as they deal with the sexual orientation of loved ones and societal rejection, therefore be it
RESOLVED: Although the Moravian Church is not agreed on the question of the acceptability of homosexual practice, congregations are urged to make available support systems for people whose lives are affected by homosexual issues and to encourage individuals to seek appropriate training to lead such groups; and be it further
RESOLVED: “Certain basic human rights and civil liberties are due all persons. We are committed to support those rights and liberties for homosexual persons. We see a clear issue of simple justice in protecting their rightful claims.” (from The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, 1992). Moreover, we condemn acts of violence and coercion against persons who are homosexual or are perceived to be homosexual; and
Whereas, there is a need in our congregations for a safe, open, loving, and redemptive environment in which all people might enter into dialogue about homosexuality, therefore be it
RESOLVED: The 1994 Northern Provincial Synod affirms the intention of the Provincial Elders’ Conference, Northern Province, to develop balanced educational materials on homosexuality for use in congregations in their quest for understanding on this issue.
R&E 1994, pp. 48–50, R. 31–35

  • Whereas, the good news of salvation by faith in Christ’s life, death and resurrection is God’s gift to all people, and
  • Whereas, this salvation is most often mediated through the church, the body of Christ, within the context of this redeeming community, and
  • Whereas, the American Psychiatric Association has stated that it is now known that the homosexual is not responsible for his/her particular sexual orientation. This orientation is a result of a development before he/she is consciously aware of what was taking place. The APA further states that the homosexual cannot be categorized as a mentally ill person for his/her homosexuality, and
  • Whereas, the Christian Church has the responsibility of reexamining its own traditional sexual stance in the light of more recent interpretation and scientific evidence for the benefit of both youth and adults, and
  • Whereas, the basic policies of the Moravian Church drawn from the Ground of Unity and Brotherly Agreement are as follows:
    “The Moravian Church will oppose discrimination based on race, culture or any other barrier and its own life will demonstrate that we are brothers and sisters in Christ. This includes open membership in our own congregations and working toward open structures and situations in society.”
  • Whereas, the homosexual has too often felt excluded from and persecuted by society, therefore be it

RESOLVED: that the Moravian Church reaffirm its open welcome to all people by specifically recognizing that the homosexual is also under God’s care, and be it further
RESOLVED: that Moravian congregations will extend an invitation to all persons to join us in a common search for wholeness before God and persons, and be it further
RESOLVED: that as Christians, recognizing our common sinfulness and the miracle of God’s grace, accepting God’s pardon, and together striving to help free each other from bonds of fear, despair, and meaninglessness, fitting us for lives of commitment, responsibility, witness, service, and celebration in God’s Kingdom, we will share in this venture as children of God and brothers and sisters in Christ toward wholeness.
R&E 1974, pp.59-60, R. 29-31

Author: Editor

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