
Questions of Interpretations of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13
by the Rev. Dr. C. Riddick Weber In the Holiness Code of Leviticus, we find two passages that are often

Applying the Moravian Principles of Biblical Interpretation to the Pertinent Scriptures
As a Moravian addressing questions of Biblical interpretation, I find it helpful to turn to the work of the Interprovincial

A Discernment Process on a Congregation’s Marriage Policy
by the Rev. Ginny Hege Tobiassen The people of God do their holy work in community. Part of that holy

A Divisive and Generational Issue
by the Rev. John Jackman It’s no secret that we live in a very divided world. Sadly, our church reflects

Guiding Principles of Biblical Interpretation
In November, 2011, the Interprovincial Faith and Order Commission of the Moravian Church developed a statement of Guiding Principles of

To Love and To Be Loved
This sermon was preached on February 25, 2018. A Church Council was held after worship that Sunday and the attached

Resolution of the Raleigh Moravian Church Congregation
Whereas, as proclaimed by our congregation’s Mission Statement: called by God as the Body of Christ we — the members

Resolution of the Raleigh Moravian Church Board
Whereas, as proclaimed by our congregation’s Mission Statement: called by God as the Body of Christ we — the members

Church Response – Raleigh Moravian Church
Following the 2014 Synod, which called on churches to have dialogue regarding the issues of homosexuality and the church, Raleigh

Southern Province: Resolution 14 -Leadership Roles and Diversity of Views
This resolution was passed at the 2018 Synod of the Moravian Church, Southern Province. Resolution # 14 (Proposal 28) Subject: