Northern Province: A Call for LGBTQIA+ Justice and Healing
Please note: This is the resolution as presented on the floor of Synod. As soon as the final report on Synod is available, we will update with any corrections or changes.
Thirteenth Partial Report
of the Church and Society Committee
RE: A Call for LGBTQIA+ Justice and Healing
Whereas, the 2018 Northern Province Synod, in an effort to be more accepting and affirming of the children of God, passed a resolution on Human Sexuality/Gender Identities which:
- affirms the dignity and rights of persons of all gender identities;
- reaffirms its open welcome to all people by specifically recognizing that persons of all gender identities are also under God's care;
- recognizes that persons of all gender identities can be members of our church because they are children of God and seek to know God's grace which is freely given to all people who have faith in God;
- supports and affirms persons of all gender identities allowing them to celebrate their lives as individuals, couples, and families within the bounds of the church and under the grace which our Creator imparts to all persons;
- encourages the church shall continue to enter into dialogue in a loving manner with persons of all gender identities in order to understand their lives and their spiritual walk; and encourages pastors and church leaders to engage in training and education related to the understanding of and care for persons of all gender identities." (R&E 2018, pp. 17-18, 21-26); and
Whereas, many LGBTQIA+ persons in the Moravian Church have been harmed by past and current church policy and behavior; and therefore be it
RESOLVED (59) The 2023 Synod of the MCNP acknowledges behavior that has caused harm to the spiritual growth and emotional lives of LGBTQIA+ persons; and therefore be it
RESOLVED (60) The 2023 Synod of the MCNP requests the Provincial Elders Conference of the MCNP to explore and discover how past and current policies and behaviors have harmed and may continue to harm LGBTQIA+ church members, clergy and candidates for ordination and initiate a process for acknowledgement and healing.